Lager Time: Not Quite Live Edition EP 3

Greetings, bonjour, what’s happening

Earlier this week, I recorded a Not Quite Live Edition of Lager Time. It’s essentially me running through a set poems, stories and some music on the loop-station. Had a few live gigs coming up, so this was good preperation for me


1 - Trap It

2- Times of Respect

3- Whoever Said It Was Easy

4- Fair & Square

5- Chair Wars

6- Not quite A Cheetah

7- Premium Speed Ghost Train

8- Slow and Steady

9 - No Milk For The Foxes

10 - Now, What Do You Want To Say?

11 - Watts & Pommerlers

New blog post (about a new blog I've set up on substack)

So I’ve set up a blog on Substack, I’ll still be duel-posting on here but you can get the audio in there, here’s the link


Perhaps it would be good if I introduced this new venture into Substack.

I’m Paul, I’ve been writing and performing for a fair-few years now, mainly in London, occasionally outside of it. I enjoy what I do.

Before I did any of this, I was a rapper who wrote lyrics (and still does). Long story short, I never intended to do any of this, this being poems, stories, theatre, blogs etc (not consciously anyway) I fell in to live-poetry and also fringe-theatre, both of them due to chance-meetings with people. I never formally studied anything and everything I’ve learned; I’ve picked up along the way. Consequently, I’ve developed an ad-hoc way of writing and performing and just generally living life.

My path into this probably isn’t all that unique, I’ve met plenty of people who’ve found themselves doing this, without having ever set out to do it.

If I’m being honest, I’ve probably used the whole ‘not being educated’ thing as a bit of crutch and also as something to almost brag about. The crutch bit being, when I have to write funding-forms and haven’t yet mastered that funding-type-language that evades so many of us and can be a pain in the arse trying to write. The brag bit being, probably a cover-up for my own insecurities about not knowing enough about the artforms I operate in and the way I go about doing what I do. Am I doing it ‘right’? is someone gonna dig me out for it? Prime example, I’m worried that I should’ve put a semi-colon in that last sentence somewhere.

So why am I doing this?

Presently, I’m just talking / writing to myself, because no-one is subscribed, obviously but I think I’m still figuring out why I’m doing this. As self-absorbed as that sounds and probably is, it’s kinda fun trying to work-it-out. As it stands, my thinking, as muddled as ever and awash with various negative traits, is something along the lines of : This blog can be

1: A place to put up some of my poems / stories and thoughts etc

2: This is perhaps a way I can connect with more people?

3: It can also help improve my writing

4: It can help me grow some confidence in voicing my opinions


1: I’ve rarely ever submitted any poems or stories to the seemingly endless list of magazines and blogs that publish that sort of thing. Just thinking about it, gives me a classic-case of brain-overload and then shut-down. I wouldn’t know where to start. I also don’t tend to engage with that world either, so why should anyone bother publishing my stuff? Though I did, to be fair,  recently attend the launch for a Zine called It Was All A Zine but only because my mate Gary Hartley aka Gary From Leeds, was doing a rare performance. I bought the zine, I read the Zine, I quite liked it.

2:. I have a website, occasionally I do little things like this but I wonder to what avail? Substack got me excited, well, curious at least because it seems to be a centralised platform for writers, so maybe you can reach more people? Tags and keywords. Maybe I’m just a capitalist, desperate to sell his wares to as many people as possible, if seems like a market-place of sorts. A market place of thoughts? You can have that, mate. Who knows, maybe I’m just pissing in the wind, I’m late to the party as ever, but I’ll post anyway and see where it goes.

3. I recently did a short course, a Level 2 in Counselling Skills. I don’t have any qualifications above Level 2, Level 2, here in the UK, is the equivalent of wearing armbands when you’re learning to swim. Regardless, I enjoyed it but I found it challenging. I had to do a lot of writing which I found quite difficult. I realised I have a lot short-comings, which when writing my poems and stories, I can get away with, as I’ve made those short-comings part of what I do but formally, it’s no good, mate. So I dug-out a Key Stage 2 (primary level) spelling and grammar book that my mum gave me, years ago and have to decided to try and learn all the stuff I didn’t learn at school

4. I’m conflicted on this one. Social-media can be a toxic place for opinions. From politics to football it can be pretty nasty, so I tend to swerve getting involved in debates online, the road of least resistance, most likely. I also, as a policy, don’t really post anything that isn’t related to what I do but I’m often tempted... I read a fair amount, about politics and football and all sorts stuff really, I often don’t agree with the way the wind prevails but I’m scared if I voice an opinion, the wrong opinion, I’ll get shot down, quick, I’ve seen it happen. I also worry I won’t be able to defend my position, as I lack the knowledge skills do so, I’ll panic and flap and then give in. I’ve been made to look an idiot many times, when talking with people in person, it petrifies me. So perhaps this blog can be a way of me putting out some of those opinions, most of which are just floating around my head, causing a nuisance and are probably unformed and not thought though, writing them down, may help with this and it’s (so far) not quite as scary as Twitter.

So that’s it, mate. Substack, Me. Probably should’ve mentioned I’ve got a life-long of habit of being half-arsed about things, this could easily slip into that well-polished routine of mine. However, I think with a bit of planning, maybe I can be a bit more disciplined with it.

If you have read this (or listened) and you’ve got this far, thanks. Now, let’s see where this goes.

Paul Cree, October 2021

Being shit at something is no longer an excuse


Yesterday, Friday 5th February, 2021, was a busy day at Cree HQ. I released a self-produced new single with a B-side, with artwork that I made myself and stuck the thing up on Bandcamp. I released the first video in a little series I’m doing which includes material from the new show. I lit, filmed, edited, and uploaded it myself. Sounds, alright, yea?


The songs aren’t mixed very well (you can hear my breathing too much on the first track.) Apart from putting links up on my social media platforms, I’ve done zero PR for it (I don’t really know where to start with that.) The artwork, I made myself on GIMP- it’s very, very simple. There’s a fault line that I don’t know how to get rid of on the main image. With the video, I’ve got way too much light on my face and the sound isn’t great, nor is the delivery in the performance. Basically, it’s all pretty shoddy. Whilst there are certainly a few improvements that I know I can make, it largely shows the extent of my limited skillset, when it comes to putting out my own content.

Exhibit A: My wife said ‘I don’t get it?’ - well, good art gets people talking.

Exhibit A: My wife said ‘I don’t get it?’ - well, good art gets people talking.


Now, apart from writing the words used in both the music and video, I probably wouldn’t have bothered doing any of the above, not so long ago, due to knowing that I’m not very good at doing those things; also known as, being shit.

There’s been many examples, over the extent of my 37.6 years on this planet, where I’ve given up far too easily. The reasons for this vary but the one that most frequently caused me to stop doing whatever was it was I was trying to do, was being shit at whatever that thing was. It’s shit being shit. I’m sure we all know that.


I need to stress here (out of insecurity? Ego? Pride? I don’t know?) that it’s not the case for everything. The fact that I’m sitting here, writing this blog post, follows a trajectory (which I’ve talked about, a lot) from MCing and rapping, in my late teens, to all this other writing stuff now. I was shit at MCing, for a long time and have the tapes to prove it (confidence also plays part in this but I’m not using that as a full excuse, I was shit, mate) but I stuck with it and low and behold, here I am - with a website and a few shows and other cool things under my belt. Well done me for not giving up.


I’ve been shit at a lot of things. I essentially wrote a show about being shit at school (amongst other things), which turned into this new show (which I’m currently writing) which is about (amongst other things) being shit at the jobs I was doing.

Some of the things I wasn’t able to give up, like school for instance, to the extent that I had to be there, by law but most of my efforts, in the last few years of it were reduced to doing the absolute bare minimum, which is probably worse than giving up. With most of the jobs, I needed to earn a living and didn’t want to be sacked, so I still turned up but again, minimal effort in a lot of cases (though, not all.)

There were somethings, I at least for a period, tried hard with, like Maths and French but just couldn’t my head around them, so I gave up. Cleaning was another, I was normally knackered after a shift, hoovering, scrubbing and wiping but I was still shit at it.

However, so many other things, from that Basketball team I trained with for a brief period, to applying for numerous jobs and opportunities, where I just think, I’m shit at this, so what’s the point in continuing? and resign myself to misery and give up.

This attitude has definitely flowed into my work as a creative person. First and foremost, I see myself as a lyrics man, I deal with words and I perform those words. However, there’s many things I’ve attempted, within the world of being an artist, like funding applications and making your own artwork, producing my own music, that I’ve been shit at and just given up, or not even bothered to attempt it, once I’d established I was shit at it.

So where’s that got me? Not that far, that’s for sure. Most of the things that I have done, which went well, which required skills like: funding, artwork, producing, mixing, engineering, filming, editing - were done by people who knew what they were doing, making me a very fortunate young man; because they probably wouldn’t have happened if it was just me in charge  

Of the things that I’m proud of, most of them involved me getting off my arse and making something happen, whilst transcending or ignoring that negative-mindset, that whatever it was, it was going to be shit.


I wrote a blog a while back, about the Just A Name mixtape, that I made in 2007. That project came out of a frustration, that I wasn’t able to record and put out my own music, all I had was an ever increasing pile of lyrics, with no music to rap them over. So with the help of my brother Will and my mate, Mit, I learnt just enough on Logic, saved up a bit of dough, bought some basic kit and done the damn thing myself (apart from the mixdown, hold tight Keeper.) Even going to open mics to read my poems, I’d say I was shit at that but I kept it up and got reasonably competent at it.

Whilst I’m pleased with the things that I have achieved, there’s been a whole load of stuff that I haven’t, far too much, in fact, because I made an excuse for myself and gave up. It’s bollox.

Circa 2007, some early Cree. A perm marker was used and then scanned, by a printer/scanner that did’nt realy print or scan.

Circa 2007, some early Cree. A perm marker was used and then scanned, by a printer/scanner that did’nt realy print or scan.



I’m not trying to sound like one of those self-help guru’s here but that attitude has held me back and I feel stupid for doing so. I think it also masks, on my part, a laziness, risk aversion and a fear of what other people will think. The times where I haven’t been lazy or risk-averse, have led to good things, mostly. So more of that, yea.

In an ideal word, I’d have proper people doing the artwork, the PR, the filming, the funding and I’d just concentrate on my bit, writing and performing but I don’t, none of that is financially viable right now. What I do have, is some good people willing to help me, access to WIFI, a bit of equipment and an account with Udemy and You Tube, so I’m able to at least get some of these little projects finished, to whatever standard and get them out there. The best bit is, I’m slowly improving at the things I mentioned at the start (I can now do a lot more than this time last year) and I get those little dopamine hits, whenever I learn how to do something new, which is a good feeling, even if what I’ve just done is a bit shit; like the artwork on my new track.

So long as I accept the starting point of being shit, at writing funding applications, mixing music, filming, editing, making artwork but acknowledge that I’ll probably improve, if I keep doing it, then I’m onto a winner, mate.

So what I think all this means is, that the real shit thing here in all of this, is doing nothing at all and giving up. It’s shit, being shit but even shitter if you don’t do shit, when you want to get shit done. ‘Eff that, I’ve already wasted to much time, I’ve got work to do.

Peas and taters


National Poetry Day @ Woolwich

So, for this year’s National Poetry Day, Thursday 1st October, I got to step out the gaff and walk down the road, to Woolwich Library, where I spent the day roaming around various sites in Woolwich, wiritng and recording some short poems.

I visted the Nike Statue, The Foot-tunnel (which goes underneath the Thames) The Old Dry-Dock and Woolwhich Arsenal and then Bereseford Sqaure.

You can view all of the peices on the Greenwich Libraries Facebook Page

Later on in the afternooon I did a live Q & A with Miriam Storey from Greewich Libraries and then to finish it all off, myself and old Rubix spar, Belinda Zhawi, did a live streamed performance from inside the librray.

It was a quality day, loved it, mate

All pictures courtsey of Greenwich Libraries