The 90 Sick E.P (CD)


The 90 Sick E.P (CD)


A semi-autobiographical selection of stories spanning the 1990’s, written and performed by Paul Cree that follows his sell-out A Tale From The Bedsit.

Availble to download / stream at Bandcamp - Apple Music / Itunes - Google Play - Amazon


released May 29, 2015

Lyrics written and performed by Paul Cree.
Music produce by Elian Gray.
Guitar on The Colour Oranage by Jamie Payne
Cover art by Josh Carrington


all rights reserved

‘Paul has written an articulate series of personal stories that are very easy to relate to. The poems are nostalgic, laughing at but also relishing the silliness of being young, showing great affection for the characters who are struggling against inexperience and a tide of insecurities. Listen to the 90 Sick EP to raise a rueful smile and remind you of how far (or not) you’ve come.’

Lettie McKie - Sabotage Reviews

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